This is my one hundredth blog!
I can’t believe it! My friend, ‘B’, had the idea of me creating this blog. “You have lots of writing which is just clogging up your computer. Get it out there and let people share it. And then you’ll find new things to write about. It’ll be great!”
I began very hesitantly. People seemed to enjoy my “computer-clogging” writing. And then when the computer was un-clogged, I wrote with more confidence, as the ideas occurred to me. I find that I view the world differently now that I blog. I really look at and observe what goes on around me. There are stories everywhere!
These are some of my blogs that have meant the most to me, since I began ‘ear ‘ear in March 2013…..
(Just click on the photo if you wish to view the full blog!)
Slippery Fish
We are all creators! We create all the time.
I give a laugh at Dejan Stojanovic. He sums up my thoughts completely when he says: “Creating means living.”

Twas the Night before Christmas
What were your childhood Christmases like?
I’m so lucky. For me, Christmas was the most magical, enchanting time.
“He who SMILES while crushing YOU’
Zuma’s middle name is “Gedleyihlekisa” which means: “He who smiles while crushing you.” Indeed, he certainly seems to be smiling while crushing the life out of South Africa.
And I am whispering….Madonsela for President!
To Grow or Not to Grow……?
I love this blog because of Matt’s letter in it. It is the most beautiful love letter I have ever received!
Girls need not wear pink!
“If someone’s not a feminist, I ask why, what is your problem?” asks Dale Spence.
What is your problem indeed, I echo?
Defining Moments!
This blog will always be special to me. In it, it is Erin’s words to me that caused me to re-define myself. I have stopped asking the unanswerable: Why did God allow my accident to happen? Instead I ask with a smile: Why did God allow me to live?
I was so delighted with the NSPCA’s behaviour concerning the Knysna Elephant Park that this blog came into being. When wanting a photograph of Lawrence Anthony, I wrote to his widow, Francoise. I think a friendship is beginning to form between Francoise and I. I would like that!
The Goddess of Rainbows!
On reading over all my blogs I was amazed at how my writing has improved. One looks at my first few blogs and then one reads this one. My writing skill is improving!
And finally how could I not include this!
The Wonder!
The second most life changing event of my 53 years!
Gaynor, congratulations on reaching the Century mark. I so enjoyed reading your earlier blogs. You are a star that lights up so many lives! Thank you.
Love, Romary
Well done Gaynor on reaching 100 – I love reading them… please dont stop xxx
And I love you, sweet relative/friend! Thank you for being such a loyal follower, Gay!
Gently I kiss your eyes
Well done, Gaynor, you deserve a medal …….. you always write such beautiful blogs 🙂 Composition was not by forte at school (being at school in England where we had two English subjects – English language and English literature) – I failed both when I wrote GCE’s – my mother was horrified – I did pass French, though 🙂
Oh, Christine, you make me laugh! Tu me faits rire! I think that’s how you ‘d say it in French!!!
Thank you for so loyally reading my blogs.
With a laugh I kiss your eyes
Congratulations, Gaynor! I always enjoy reading your posts – usually found through mutual friends on Facebook. I recently migrated my blog to WordPress and then realised that I could follow yours automatically. So much easier and this way I never miss one of your posts. Keep up the excellent writing!
Laugh – Susan, I am so glad you have worked out how to get them regularly! And thank you for reading them. I am so delighted that people seem to be enjoying what I am writing – thank you!
With a smile I kiss your eyes
Wow I cant believe it is 100 already. Well done have enjoyed every one of them
Lots sove
Caroline, you have been such a loyal follower. Thank you!
With the warmest of smiles I kiss your eyes
Wow wow wow – well done. You really do write amazing stories….. I have laughed, smiled, questioned, had lumps in my throat and cried…….. Love you to the moon and back. Well done sister! xxx
Liz, my sweet Liz!
Thank you, Angel-Face, thank you, thank you! I didn’t think I could do it but so far I am managing. And it’s good for me, as you know. Keeps this brain of mine ticking overtime!
Love you beyond the moon and back!
As always I kiss your eyes
Hi Gaynor, I think you should correct the surname of Lawrence and Francoise – it’s not Andrews it’s
I look forward to your blogs. Don’t stop.
Angela – THANK YOU!!! When I read your message I charged to my blog thinking: I couldn’t have been SO stupid! AAAAAGGHHHHHH, I had! I then had to rush around trying to get hold of the printer who is also deaf and NOT good on a phone. After much to-ing and fro-ing I finally got the message across. It has now been changed. Thank you, Ang, I am so grateful.
Please will you always contact me when you see mistakes like that?
And thank you for reading my blogs!
With a warm smile I kiss your eyes
I have enjoyed everyone of your 100 blogs and i have reread them and yes your writing has grown and grown. Well done Darling. All love Mums.xx
Thank you, Mums, that lot means so much coming from such an avid reader like yourself!
Love you almost too much.
As always I kiss your eyes
Congrats G!
Thanks SO much, CJ! You, B and I work as a team. WE have reached the 100 mark! Thank you for your loving support which is always there.
Gently I kiss your eyes
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