“The best thing about the future is that is comes one day at a time” Abraham Lincoln

I felt I had been kicked in the chest. What a horrendous thing to have happened. I wrote to her:
“Oh, shoot, oh, oh, oohhh! What unbelievable pain to have to endure. Yes, they are fine now, together with God and, I believe, happier than they have ever been. It is just sooo difficult for the ones left behind. People can say all sorts of good and wonderful things but no one can understand your pain. Except you. You must deal with your loss in a way that is right for you. I don’t know how long ago this happened, but just take each day as it comes…..”
Later that day I was crossing the parking lot of our flats when I was stopped by this man, Rhinehardt. We had often smiled and greeted one another but never actually spoken. “Gaynor, I saw yesterday’s newspaper article on you.” I had been a runner up in the 2013 Blogging Awards and The Herald had written an article on me. “I had to congratulate you.”
Before I could say a word he went on. “Each day I see you with your stick, limping to the gate and I think ‘There goes the Bishop of Art and Culture!’
“What?” I began to laugh.
“You were an artist when you had your fall. Your theatre “art” was killed off that day. But you have remained an artist. Now your art is life! And what an exceptional artist you have proved to be.”
I had stopped laughing and was now listening closely. “I know of your accident and I have read articles of your fight throughout the years to get back to “normal.”And…well, do you know what you have come to mean to me? To thousands of people?”
I was dumbfounded by his sudden intensity.
“We look at you and see guts, perseverance, determination. I think you have far more “Art” in you than you had before your accident! That is why I laughingly refer to you as the ‘Bishop of Art and Culture’. Thank you for being such a true life artist.”
Lying in bed that night I thought back over my day. I had told my friend who had lost both husband and son that nobody knew her pain. Except her. She must take one day at a time. One- day- at- a- time………
That was something I did. That I had to do.
I thought of Rhinehardt’s words and smiled. The ‘Bishop of Art and Culture’!
I used to go through very bad times. Forever that unanswerable question reared it’s ugly head. ‘Why me?’
Mum said to me:”Gaynor, you have touched more hearts through your inspirational speaking and your writing than you ever did as an actress.”
And she is right. But I often think: But I would rather not be a toucher of hearts. I would rather be…me.
I have learned that being just ME carries with it baggage; baggage that I have learnt to carry. So yes, Rhinehardt might see a gutsy, persevering, determined limping girl with a stick. That girl is also someone who laughs, loves and lives this wonderful thing called Life.
The ‘Bishop of Art and Culture’ who tries to live..one day at a time!
Gosh Gaynor, if anyone knows the lesson of living one day at a time, you do and what a triumph you’ve achieved with that simple maxim. Thank you, as always, dear heart.
Gaynor – another fabulous article and I think his name for you is just perfect! I remember hearing about your accident – I was in Megs year in matric at the time. You were her v talented older sister who we had never met! You have walked a much harder path than anyone should have to but you have certainly touched so many lives. I am just loving your book and at the moment it keeps me company in the evenings while I sit around a pool waiting for my daughter to finish a swimming training session! Cx
You are one courageous lady with such tenacity . I remember hearing of the start of this saga 🙁 A tragic day but you have shown great strength and have such wonderful friends and family 🙂
Jan x
Yes, Jan, you have hit the nail on the head. It is because of my family and friends that I am who I am!
Thank you, Angel-Face, for reading AND enjoying my blog.
With a smile I kiss your eyes
My dear dear Gay, I have been priveleded only to know you in your day at a time life, I marvel and admire every word of yours I’ve heard, every conversation we’ve had and now with the mervelous technology I can read your words of feelings from heart, to mind , to paper. I salute you beautiful Gay, how true a bishop of art and culture. Ohh how you have touched me in ways I will take to my grave, thank you gay thank you xxxxx love your kisses Marvic
Oh, my special Marvic, how truly wonderful to hear from you. Thank you for reading my blogs. My family and friends have made me what I am. And that includes you. So long ago and yet how precious our time together was. Yes, you knew me during my “one day at a time” adventure. And the time we spent together was marvellous.
Do you ever come down to CT, Marvs? I will send you my number in a FB private message. Then we can be in contact in that way. You can then speak to me on WhatsApp for free. I would so love that.
Very gently I kiss your eyes
One day at a time is the only way, and you make it all worthwhile.
Lots of love
I love you, Caroline!!!
With a smile I kiss your eyes
You continue to amaze me.
Wise way beyond your years.
You have a unique depth of soul and spirit.
Thank you for sharing all your pearls with us.
God Bless.
No, Sandra, I am as I am because of the love shown to me by family and friends!
Thank you for being such a wonderful friend. I must see more of you!
With a smile I kiss your eyes
Thank you Gaynor! Great piece, we so many of us live one day at a time and you are always such an inspiration xxx
Thank you for such kind words, John. I just try to live each day to the best of my ability. I thank God that you find me “inspiring”. Believe you me, there are many days I feel anything but!
There are always things to be grateful for, aren’t there? I remind myself of them continually.
Thank you for reading my blog. That means a lot to me,
With a smile I kiss your eyes
Oh Gaynor, dear Bishop of Art and Culture, your story made me weep. So beautifully told. And I don’t think anyone has lived life one day at a time more proudly and fully than you have – you certainly have been an inspiration to many and will continue to still be, one day at a time! Much love xxx
Oh, Gay, Ms Squire!
Your response made me very full up. Thank you, Angel! I have no words…..
Gently I kiss your eyes
Dearest Gaynor, you are such an INSPIRATION! All my love, Murray XXXXX
Hell, Murray, it is great “speaking” to you! You’re in SA now, aren’t you? If you come to George, please contact me. I have a spare mattress and you could sleep in my study. It would be so good to see you!
Thank you for reading my blog. I am so enjoying writing the pieces.
With a big smile I kiss your eyes
Dear Gaynor, this is true, bless you. Thank goodness life comes at us, one second, then minute, then hour etc etc at a time. You have shown how one can overcome a ‘bulldozer’ moment with love and grace. I really hope we get to meet up one day, I need a Gaynor hug !! Love Mim xx
Laugh – my arms are open and waiting to give you that Gaynor-Hug!
Thank you, Angel.
With a smile I kiss your eyes
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