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An explosion of gold shatters my early morning kitchen excursions.My kitchen has been re-painted. It is now a gentle cream except for the main wall. This erupts in a golden yellow that shimmers, glistens and gleams. It is a wall that now causes an early morning smile to crease my cheeks. I had noticed grey

A Walk, Paint & Unconditional Love!

Her tail wagged once.She looked up at me with hope leaping out of her eyes. That hope curled itself around my heart and I was lost. Her tail wagged again, very tentatively. It was her eyes that caught me though. Vulnerable and full of a kind of expectation: Please…please..! She was an elderly black Labrador

The Gift of Choice

While in Cape Town I had lunch with an old friend of mine whom I hadn’t seen for simply ages. It was so good seeing Susan Danford once more. I was reminded of how much I like her! She told me of this class that she and a friend organised for underprivileged women. They all

My thoughts…

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