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I am an ex-actress, Inspirational Speaker, writer and a blogger. My award winning blog is extremely popular with thousands of views per week. Because of my accident, I have a high public profile and have appeared on a number of TV shows including “Hello Doctor” and “Carte Blanche”. I have also featured in and written for numerous magazine including “Fairlady”, “YOU” and “Readers Digest”. I have spoken inspirationally worldwide – Washington, London and throughout South Africa for high profile organisations and blue chip companies. My first book ‘My Plunge to Fame’ was published to widespread popular acclaim.
What people have recently said about me:
….With her courage most modestly on offer, she tells us her story. With a light touch and a warm heart. She is a real charmer. To those with a similar fight on their hands, she is inspiring. And to those of us who have been luckier, we simply marvel at a triumphant human spirit. Get to know Gaynor – you’ll fall in love!
Dame Janet Suzman – International Actress and Director
….One of the mantras I try to remember when times are tough is “It’s not what happens to you – it’s what you do about it.” I cannot think of a better example of someone who epitomises that spirit than Gaynor Young. With the same electrifying talent she showed on stage, Gaynor inspires audiences with her life story whether writing or speaking.
Derek Watts – Host of Carte Blanche
….Gaynor Young is a life affirming gift to us all. Her courage , her humour and her ability to rise above all the challenges that life has thrown across her path with such grace, is a joy to behold.
Mannie Manim – Director & CEO The Baxter Theatre
….Gaynor Young has an amazing and inspiring story to tell. What is more she is a brilliant and witty raconteur when she tells it, whether in a motivational talk, or in her solo show “My Plunge to Fame”. She is a riveting writer too!
Des and Dawn Lindberg – Musicians & Entertainers
….I have known Gaynor Young since she was a first-year student at the then University of Natal and have watched her grow both as a person and an actress. I have always been impressed by her enthusiasm for her craft and while this was dulled for a while through her tragic accident, the flame of her talent is back and burning as brightly as ever. Few individuals in this world are blessed with her sheer determination and guts. She is the living embodiment of survival.
Caroline Smart – Editor artSMart
So what can ‘ear ‘ear blog do for your product/brand/event?
I have space available on my blog for text and graphic advertisements in the right hand sidebar and in the heading area. I could also blog about your product/brand if it is something I like, and something I think my followers will find of interest . To find out more, please email me at earearblog@gmail.com and I will send you a detailed Media Pack.
hi gaynor
i admired you much in when I saw you performing here in Durban.
I hope you don’t take this amiss but I find the blog colour scheme a bit of a problem.
Black on purple is quite hard to read.
May I be so bold as to suggest a white backdrop to the writing as in most sites.
Just a personal opinion,
Hi Rob thanks for that comment, Gaynors tech team here. Will consider your comment on the colour scheme. In the short term if you enter your email address in the box provided on Gaynors blog on the right hand side, and click on the confirmation email that will be sent to you antomatically (check your junk/spam mailbox if you don’t find it), Gaynors new blog posts will be emailed to you automatically and appear in black and white! X
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