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Writer Published on February 27, 2020
It’s Vital!

“To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art”Francois de la Rochefoucauld Vitality! I have a Vitality Card.This little card gets me into movies for half price, gives me special savings at gym as well as flight savings. I am sorry that I’m not allowed to drive because it also gives me

Celine Dion, watch out!

Three months down the line, what differences has having my second CI made to my life? Let me tell you a story! I used to have a great voice. It was clear, strong and true. (Hmmmm, okay, so modesty might not be one of my strong points, but with brain damage, one always tends to


Leaving for England this year was fraught with the problems caused by my broken hands. But last year was just as exciting! I was due to fly from Cape Town to England early in June. I travelled to Cape Town a week before my departure date so that I could spend time with my sister,

Miracle Man!

It begins: Faith. Yes, I have a great faith in God. But, I have learned that God’s ways are very different to the ways of man. To the ways of Gaynor Young! So, while I can hope and pray that something turns out a certain way, God might have a different plan in mind for

My thoughts…

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