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The Best Laid Plans!

I had a brainwave! My friend, B, was going up to Johannesburg on the 14th because her flight departed from O.R. Tambo Airport on the 15th. Why not fly up to Jo’burg with her and then go to the Naledi Awards that evening? The Naledi Awards are the Johannesburg theatre awards held in Gold Reef

On the Crest of a Wave!

“There was a magic about the sea. People were drawn to it. People wanted to love by it, swim in it, play in it, look at it. It was a living thing that was as unpredictable as a great stage actor: it could be calm and welcoming, opening its arms to embrace it’s audience one

Twas the night before Christmas………

      What were your childhood Christmases like?        I’m so lucky. For me, Christmas was the most magical, enchanting time.        We spent every Christmas with my Mum’s sister’s family – the Nel’s. There were four daughters in their family, Anne, Margaret, Karen and Judith, plus Liz, Megan and

The Great Escape!

One Christmas when I still lived in Durban, I flew to George to spend the holiday with my family. Because Mum and Dad’s house was so full of guests, for my first four days before Christmas I slept in the back room with my nieces, Kirsten and Sarah. Oh yes, forgot to mention a vital

My thoughts…

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