Richard Haines as Iago, me playing Bianca
Richard Haines as Iago, me playing Bianca

Janet Suzman, (now Dame Janet Suzman!) the international actress and director directed us in Othello. I played Bianca, the whore. At the time I was still a virgin. A virgin playing a whore! Tell me if that’s not good acting, huh? Othello was an incredible experience with John Kani playing Othello and Richard Haines, Iago. Janet captured the entire production on film. I saw it on VHS and then forgot about it.  But later Jan had it made into a DVD and…WOW! What an amazing DVD. With subtitles! She saw to it that I was sent one.

Darling Girl

I’ve asked Linda Louw at The Baxter to send you a DVD of our Othello. I hope it won’t be in any way upsetting for you to watch Gaynor Mark 1?? You were so lovely in the play. But don’t be – all your friends that love you, know that you are so much bigger and better a human being now than you ever could have been had you stayed Mark 1. If you don’t know it, then that is simply another mark of your natural modesty. If you want more copies for your friends, tell Linda and she can post you a few more. Just tell her I say it’s fine.

Hope all is well with you and here’s a BIG HUG

Love, Jan

……And it isn’t upsetting for me watching the nimble, beautiful, well spoken Gaynor Mark 1. It is like watching someone else and I am awed that she had anything to do with me!

Some of the 'Otherllians' with Janet Suzman. Back row: Joanna Weinberg, Neil McCarthy. Front row: Richard Haines, John Kani, Janet Suzman, Dorothy-Ann Gould & me!
Some of the ‘Othellians’ with Janet Suzman.
Back row: Joanna Weinberg, Neil McCarthy.
Front row: Richard Haines, John Kani, Janet Suzman, Dorothy-Ann Gould & me!