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Pedal, Gaynor, Pedal!

“Pedal, Gaynor, pedal!”
  My six year old legs pumped up and down and the bicycle swerved to the left, to the right and then found it’s course and straightened out. My father ran beside me encouraging: “Yes, that’s it, good, good girl!”
 The stabilisers were gone. I was riding a bicycle. A two wheeler bicycle.

Surprise Yourself!

“If constellations had been named in the 20th century, I suppose we would see bicycles.” Carl Sagan I got into the pool and floated. The water felt deliciously cool. I rolled over and decided to swim a few lengths. After two, this swimming medalist at school, exhaustedly decided to stop and go back to floating.

A Question of Balance!

In my childhood, I used to come home from school, race through my homework and then my brother and I would mount our bikes and we were off. We would meet other members of “The Gang” and together we got up to all sorts of escapades. In the veld there was a broken sewage pipe

My thoughts…

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