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Sporting Moments
My Everest Climb!

“I went for a walk in Africa at the foot of the Outeniqua Mountains.”                         – Karen Blixen, sorry, I mean, Gaynor Young!!! I am usually unable to join my friends on their wonderful mountain and forest walks. With my spastic right hand side, I

A Walk, Paint & Unconditional Love!

Her tail wagged once.She looked up at me with hope leaping out of her eyes. That hope curled itself around my heart and I was lost. Her tail wagged again, very tentatively. It was her eyes that caught me though. Vulnerable and full of a kind of expectation: Please…please..! She was an elderly black Labrador

Having a ball!

My father was a rugby player. He was a small boy at school but in his final year his body decided to make up for lost time. He grew to 6 feet 3 inches and suddenly seemed to come into his own. He began playing rugby and discovered that he was actually seriously good. At

Pedal, Gaynor, Pedal!

“Pedal, Gaynor, pedal!”
  My six year old legs pumped up and down and the bicycle swerved to the left, to the right and then found it’s course and straightened out. My father ran beside me encouraging: “Yes, that’s it, good, good girl!”
 The stabilisers were gone. I was riding a bicycle. A two wheeler bicycle.

The Blakeney Climb!

It is always a total delight!Each year I am treated to a trip to England. Always I come back thinking: ‘That was the best holiday ever!’This time was no exception. I saw wonderful sights. I visited magnificent stately homes. I gasped in awe at the beauty of cathedrals and churches. And I climbed to the

Cycling out of the ashes!

I arrived in Cape Town for the ‘Argus’! No, don’t get me wrong. I wasn’t actually doing it. My sixteen year old nephew, Campbell and my two besties, B and Jans, were participating. My role was to support and cheer them along. The ‘Argus’ or Cape Town Cycle Tour as it is now called, covers

On a Run & a Prayer!

My two friends are avid hikers. I too used to be mad about hiking but sadly due to my accident, those days are over. B, being aware of my longing, said to me: “Let’s go to the Botanical Gardens. You can have a great walk there and Perdita will love it.” Walking around a garden

Surprise Yourself!

“If constellations had been named in the 20th century, I suppose we would see bicycles.” Carl Sagan I got into the pool and floated. The water felt deliciously cool. I rolled over and decided to swim a few lengths. After two, this swimming medalist at school, exhaustedly decided to stop and go back to floating.


“Every day brings a chance for you to draw in a breath, kick off your shoes, and dance.” Oprah Winfrey Everyone looked stunning. Women and men, perfumed and Givenchy scented, wafted to their tables. Strangers chatted animatedly to strangers, who by the end of the evening had turned into friends. There was laughter and an

No Limits!!!

“Whenever I see an adult on a bicycle, I have hope for the human race.”                H.G. Wells The riders crested the hill and drew to a much needed halt. They drew out their water bottles and gulped the moisture greedily. They surveyed the valley beneath them. “This view

My thoughts…

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