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Sporting Moments
Dispelling the Myth!

      His heart was beating fast. Doem! Doem! Doem! Why did it always feel as if it was beating through his ears, he wondered? Doem! Doem! Doem! At the rate his heart was going you’d think he was terribly nervous. He smiled. He wasn’t nervous. Oh no, he was filled with excited anticipation.

And Breathe……….!

 I am sitting on an enormous  purple plastic ball. My feet are dangling.  I am holding two very long blue elastic bands out in front of me. I am trying to inhale and exhale when told and am constantly drawing breath in when I should be breathing it out. To top it all, I am

Bed – Fixer Needed!!!

Every afternoon, my hearing appliances come off, I lie down on my bed and I have an hour and a half to two hour sleep. Sometimes I don’t actually sleep. I lie there with my eyes shut and just kind of…drift. I shut down for that time. Since my accident (and resulting TBI), this is

First Kiss!

Before my accident Elzabe Zietsman and I put on a cabaret in which we sang and performed short sketches. In one, I told the audience a true story about me and Tobin Shostakovich. Great name, huh? Tobin Shostakovich! But he was known as Toby or Tobe. If I had had my way, he would definitely

Night time manoeuvres!

Dogs are amazing beings. Every night I take off my hearing appliances and go back to being as deaf as 43 doornails. Perdita, my dog, somehow senses this and from the moment my hearing appliances gets put in their box, I have one incredibly avid guard-dog, sensitive to all the night sounds. It was about

Make-up, Camera, Action!

“Ohhhh, CJ, help me! Please, please help me!” I mutter as I charge to my phone. This is a scenario that Perdita, my dog, and Spencer,my cockatiel, my “children”  are well accustomed to in my apartment. CJ is my Computer-Whizz and friend and is called upon to help this computer illiterate person – often! CJ

A Question of Balance!

In my childhood, I used to come home from school, race through my homework and then my brother and I would mount our bikes and we were off. We would meet other members of “The Gang” and together we got up to all sorts of escapades. In the veld there was a broken sewage pipe

‘Oh no! ……………..Disaster!’

You know sometimes things happen that make you realise how important people are in your life! On Tuesday evening, Perdita (my wire haired Dachshund) and I were making our regular walk from my apartment to my Mum’s. It was a beautiful evening and I was humming as I strolled. Perdita strutted along beside me, gleefully

My thoughts…

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