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Music & Entertainment
The Shoe Fits!

During my childhood, at Christmas time we went to the yearly pantomime. The delight of watching the stories of Peter Pan, Aladdin, Snow White, Cinderella and Jack and the Beanstalk unfolding before us was an enchantment I will never forget. I remember thinking: “One day I will be up there. I am going to become

“I am no strumpet………..”

Janet Suzman, (now Dame Janet Suzman!) the international actress and director directed us in Othello. I played Bianca, the whore. At the time I was still a virgin. A virgin playing a whore! Tell me if that’s not good acting, huh? Othello was an incredible experience with John Kani playing Othello and Richard Haines, Iago.

Lost Youth!

Remember the diary I mentioned in my last blog? Reading through it bought so many memories back to life……. “DM and Ron to dinner. (DM, aka Dee, is Dad’s cousin and was my aunt, Libby’s varsity friend.) Ron urged me to play my guitar thus sparking off one of the most fun-filled evenings I can

My thoughts…

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