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Terry & the Terrible Havoc!!

Peter Terry is a friend from my acting days.  What blows my mind is that Sue Kirby, a close friend in George where I now live, knows Peter. Dave, her husband, met Peter in his primary school days, they went to St Andrew’s, were discharged from the army together and then Pete went to Rhodes

Life’s Rainbow!

Red and yellow and pink and greenPurple and orange and blue,I can sing a rainbow,Sing a rainbow,Sing a rainbow too.Listen with your ears,Listen with your eyes,And sing everything you see!I can sing a rainbow,Sing a rainbow,Sing along with me… This song learnt at nursery school, played through my mind constantly when I recently viewed the

WhatsApp: ‘George Friends!’

Sue started it.‘George Friends’ is a WhatsApp group made up of my special women friends in George.Mums once remarked to me: “Gosh, you have a lot of friends in George!”“No,” I corrected her, “I know a lot of people in George but I have about seven special friends.” I laughed, “You are one of them!”“That’s

My Passionate Friend!

Passion! That is what struck me about Karen Tungay. It was distinctive and all-embracing. Her passion! “Hello!”I looked into those mischievous, dancing eyes and instantly made a friend. Karen and I met in a lift club when I was ten. I changed schools a few years later but I saw Karen often when I went

A Tap on my Shoulder!

I was sitting at the Rhodes Memorial in Cape Town with B, when suddenly I was tapped. I swung around to be met by a dark mopped stranger with this delicious grin on her face. “Gaynor?” A stranger that knew my name. “I would recognise your voice anywhere!” Obviously B and I, both being deaf,

Fairy Tale Friends!

I cannot join my friends when they go into the woods. I’m unable to walk at the pace they like to walk. Also, just imagine if we met ‘a big bad wolf’, I would be easy pickings as I am unable to run! Recently it was with a carefree heart and a nimble ‘Gaynor step’

Writer Published on August 9, 2017

“This royal throne of kings, this sceptered isle, This earth of majesty, this seat of Mars, This other Eden, demi-paradise, This fortress built by Nature for herself Against infection and the hand of war, This happy breed of men, this little world, This precious stone set in the silver sea.” ― William Shakespeare I think

Writer Published on January 30, 2015
Keep going!

Gym is a different place to different people.  A place of torture; a place of fun; a place of embarrassment; a place to ‘strut your stuff’! I have found that it is a great place to keep this squonk body of mine moving. With brain damage it is more difficult to do things. I am

On the Crest of a Wave!

“There was a magic about the sea. People were drawn to it. People wanted to love by it, swim in it, play in it, look at it. It was a living thing that was as unpredictable as a great stage actor: it could be calm and welcoming, opening its arms to embrace it’s audience one


Let me tell you about B. I was chatting to some friends at a dinner party when suddenly I was tapped on the back. I turned to this petite, pixie haired woman. In fact, she was a tiny elf with dancing, crinkly eyes that met my stare quite openly. Then she spoke. Hell, I would

My thoughts…

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