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Writer Published on January 30, 2015
Keep going!

Gym is a different place to different people.  A place of torture; a place of fun; a place of embarrassment; a place to ‘strut your stuff’! I have found that it is a great place to keep this squonk body of mine moving. With brain damage it is more difficult to do things. I am

‘To market, to market……’

Most of us remember that nursery rhyme: To market, to market, To buy a fat pig, Home again, Home again, Jiggety Jig! I go “to market” every Saturday and while never buying a fat pig I certainly come home each week with a Jiggety Jig in my step! Deon and Kobie Mocke are the architects

The Drongo Whisperer!

When Mum’s cat died we were dreadfully sad. He was eighteen years old and was much loved. Then the most amazing thing began to happen. The birds came back to her garden in their droves! Weavers, Finches, Sparrows,  Sunbirds, Rock Pigeons and ordinary Pigeons. Even a baby albino Pigeon! For Christmas, B and I gave

Twas the night before Christmas………

      What were your childhood Christmases like?        I’m so lucky. For me, Christmas was the most magical, enchanting time.        We spent every Christmas with my Mum’s sister’s family – the Nel’s. There were four daughters in their family, Anne, Margaret, Karen and Judith, plus Liz, Megan and

Writer Published on December 14, 2013

My mind is full of Madiba. I have been watching TV and he is everywhere. And yet he is gone. In Heaven, our Lord will be saying: “Hey there, good and faithful servant…” I could and should write about him. But there are people better qualified to do that. So in order to turn my

My Deaf Guy!!!

       Guy had been deaf for nine years.        When he had been shopping in New York he had been mugged. Yeah, it’s not only in South Africa that muggings occur! He had been hit on the part of his brain that is connected to his hearing and as a result

A ‘Smashing’ Time!

The older one gets, the faster time seems to move! I remember my thirtieth birthday party. And that was twenty-two years ago. Twenty-flipping-two years ago! But I remember it clearly. So clearly. Shirley Johnston is one of  my closest friends. When I was playing in Camelot we used to share a lift to the State

Smile the While!

   “Smile the while And while you smile Another smile smiles And after a while There are miles of smiles And life’s worthwhile Because you smiled.”   My Gran wrote that for me when I was nine years old. When I think of her, I smile. She was that kind of person. Thinking back on

My thoughts…

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