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Children, Family & Friends
A different kind of miracle!

I had a strange and amazing thing happen to me. Listen to this… I met Sandie Day in July, 2000. She is a friend of Judy Page’s and is gregarious with a great love of life. I then invited her to my book launch which she came to willingly. After the launch she telephoned my

Oh, the buzzing of the bees…..!

…. An explosion of sound. For twenty three years my left ear had been dead, killed in my eighteen metre fall. On Monday it was resurrected back to life through a Cochlear Implant. Sound came exploding back with a vigour and at times unpleasant force. Mum, Liz and I trooped into Jenny’s office. Once I

Sailing Away!

(This is for all the Brodericks with love!) I read a wonderful thing about death. The author bought up the image of a ship leaving for sea. You watch it from shore as it sails off. You wave at the people on board and they wave back. As it moves further away, you can no

A Question of Balance!

In my childhood, I used to come home from school, race through my homework and then my brother and I would mount our bikes and we were off. We would meet other members of “The Gang” and together we got up to all sorts of escapades. In the veld there was a broken sewage pipe

‘Oh no! ……………..Disaster!’

You know sometimes things happen that make you realise how important people are in your life! On Tuesday evening, Perdita (my wire haired Dachshund) and I were making our regular walk from my apartment to my Mum’s. It was a beautiful evening and I was humming as I strolled. Perdita strutted along beside me, gleefully

A dress, a dress, my kingdom for a dress!

     (In the photo – Jan Shapiro, swollen faced me! Gina Benjamin and Kate Edwards – 1990)   A style guru –  I am not! Recently it was my brother’s 50th birthday party up in Jo’burg and EVERYONE was going. I was NOT. I really couldn’t afford it, as the flights are so damned

Writer Published on April 4, 2013

Missing someone. Knowing that someone is gone and that you will never see them again in this life is a terrible thing. What is there but a void. A deep, bottomless void that makes one want to put one’s head back and howl – long, wolffish and aching. But I give thanks for that void.

My thoughts…

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