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Children, Family & Friends
Once Upon A Toad!

Mwaahp! Mwaahp! In the film, The Notebook, Ryan Gosling, a top notch crush of mine, leaned towards Rachel McAdams to give her the most delicious kiss and I heard: Mwaahp! Mwaahp!Damn, there must be something wrong with my Cochlear Implants. I took one off, gave it a shake, put it back on and the Mwaahp

My Everest Climb!

“I went for a walk in Africa at the foot of the Outeniqua Mountains.”                         – Karen Blixen, sorry, I mean, Gaynor Young!!! I am usually unable to join my friends on their wonderful mountain and forest walks. With my spastic right hand side, I

Siya Kolisi Sarmies!

It is from children that our world is made.  I am imagining a conversation between two six year old boys:“It’s great that we got here early. I like running and catching the sarmie from the van window. They know me now and it’s a bit like playing rugby, when the ball is passed down the

WhatsApp: ‘George Friends!’

Sue started it.‘George Friends’ is a WhatsApp group made up of my special women friends in George.Mums once remarked to me: “Gosh, you have a lot of friends in George!”“No,” I corrected her, “I know a lot of people in George but I have about seven special friends.” I laughed, “You are one of them!”“That’s

My Passionate Friend!

Passion! That is what struck me about Karen Tungay. It was distinctive and all-embracing. Her passion! “Hello!”I looked into those mischievous, dancing eyes and instantly made a friend. Karen and I met in a lift club when I was ten. I changed schools a few years later but I saw Karen often when I went

What Treats!

Children nowadays love to play with their array of electronic gizmo’s. Many of these devices cut out the world around them totally. They render up melodies to be heard by the head-phoned listener alone. Playing with X-Box, interaction is with voices of strangers on the other side of the world rather than friends. Young people

A Walk, Paint & Unconditional Love!

Her tail wagged once.She looked up at me with hope leaping out of her eyes. That hope curled itself around my heart and I was lost. Her tail wagged again, very tentatively. It was her eyes that caught me though. Vulnerable and full of a kind of expectation: Please…please..! She was an elderly black Labrador

My Multifaceted Friend!

“A friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future, and accepts you just the way you are.”– Unknown Actor, director, scriptwriter, screenwriter, editor but more importantly, one of my truest friends – Shirley Johnston!Now please, all of you non-theatre people, don’t think: “Ah uh, this blog’s not my type!”Shirley goes much further

Joy to the World!

T’was the night before Christmas and all through the house….upstairs we cousins were very much awake. Even the caged mouse was behaving as if it was morning. He was zooming round on his wheel, faster and faster and faster. Tomorrow was Christmas!!!!! “I’m going to stay awake until Father Christmas comes and ask him for

30 Years!

Thirty years since I had my 18 metre fall from the State Theatre stage during a performance of Camelot. When I left the hospital, the specialist advised my parents to put me into an institution and forget about me. I would never be able to do anything other than lie on my back staring mindlessly

My thoughts…

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