Writer Published on April 11, 2013

This is an article that I wrote about five years ago after just having had my Cochlear Implant. It was published in Fairlady. It expresses something of what I felt at the time: “Picture a person in a darkened room. The light is off. The curtains drawn closed. The objects in the room are merely

Writer Published on April 9, 2013

I love going out to lunch! It doesn’t matter if it’s to a local cafe, restaurant or a friends house. I just love going out to lunch! The excitement of choosing what to eat, or the surprise at what has been prepared. The conversation, the laughter, the general ambience. The only worry is that you

Writer Published on April 7, 2013

How many of you actually know what a Cochlear Implant is? Yeah, sure – it’s that thing that has made Gaynor “hear” again! Laugh – yes, spot on! You’re right! But what actually is it? Sit back, make yourself comfortable – while I explain! Clearing of throat, while marshalling my thoughts…..Okay, a cochlear implant (CI)

Writer Published on April 4, 2013

Missing someone. Knowing that someone is gone and that you will never see them again in this life is a terrible thing. What is there but a void. A deep, bottomless void that makes one want to put one’s head back and howl – long, wolffish and aching. But I give thanks for that void.

Writer Published on April 2, 2013

I have news. It is exciting. It is nerve wracking. It is wonderful. It is terrifying. It could be life changing. On the 6th May, I am having a second Cochlear Implant! On my left ear. On the ear that has not heard a thing for the past 23 years! Every year I go down

Writer Published on March 30, 2013

This is my first post. Yep, now I am officially a blogger!!! So why, you may be thinking, has Gaynor suddenly decided to blog. Well, this is something  I have  been thinking about for a while. I love writing and I enjoy entertaining and inspiring people. My   imminent second cochlear implant operation has given me

My thoughts…

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